Change of blog Url Address Absence Disable Solution

 Change of blog Url Address Absence Disable Solution

Friends i have persoal experience about  Change of blog Url Address Absence Disable Solution

I was change my urls address of my blog my pervious urls was approved by AdSense but whem i was changed no ads show on blog. Hence i submit again for approval of AdSense but less chance of approvals.
  If you do same like me changing of blog urls address you will confirm lost of AdSense approval. 
Now i want to discuss back of approvals Solution.

1. If You want to use blog as a new address then you need to add your site for AdSense approval. 
It will take a time and may not be approve again. 
It will depends on your site.
And you also need to do same as before you was setup. I.e make sure index ,code placement and id ets.

2. This easy solution and you can back to using this trick.
No Approval Required 
AdSense will show immediately
No index etc required.

Now listen how to back to yout original address if you lost AdSense apprpval that you lost using Change of Urls Address

Its simple 

Go to AdSense
 Click on site
Confirmed that your Pervious address of url is added and ready to show adds.

Now back to your blog as admin
Click on setting
Click on urls address
And type same pervious  address 
 When you save your setting Successfully 
your ads will be show and no worrying.


If you are interested to change blog name. I suggest you make new blog account its better to stay tune 

If you have any problem plz comment below


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